Services & Fees
Here you can find information about the cost of services that can be offered for the treatment of painful conditions of the musculoskeletal system or injuries.

Chiropractic Examination: It begins here! $110.00
The chiropractic examination starts with a detailed consultation. It includes a comprehensive physical, orthopaedic and neurological analysis to achieve a specific and accurate diagnosis. By the end of the chiropractic examination, the patient will understand the basis of chiropractic examination and care. The patient will also know whether chiropractic treatment is suitable for their specific condition.
If appropriate, and upon consent, a treatment may be performed, and x-rays or referral may be requisitioned.
Generally, the patient will be asked to return to the office for a second treatment in order to allow the chiropractor to see how the treatment was received by the patient and make adjustments to the treatment tailoring it to their needs.
Plan to spend about 1 hour in the office.
Please bring your paperwork.
Report of findings:$ 50.00
On a subsequent visit, the chiropractor will discuss with the patient the examination findings, the diagnosis, the treatment plan, and the expected outcome for the treatment.
With this information, the patient is empowered to make their health decisions.
Regular treatments:$ 50.00
Once the treatment plan is established, regular treatments are delivered to execute the plan. During these treatments, the patient will receive regular treatments. The frequency of treatments varies depending on the phase of treatment discussed during the report of findings.
We attempt to deliver these treatments on time and in an efficient manner.
New conditions or injuries existing patients$ 50.00
When you are a regular patient and have suffered a fall or a new injury, we want to take the time to do an examination to determine if a change in the treatment plan is in order. We kindly request that you advise the office to allow to schedule adequate time for review of your case.
Please advise our office if you have a change in your condition to allow proper scheduling.
Returning patient (absent from the clinic more than 12 months)$ 75.00
If you have lapsed in treatment, we must review your case and establish your health status in order to determine the appropriate course of treatment. Please have the paperwork filled out and expect to spend about 30 minutes in the office.
Interferrential current ( IFC )+ $5.00
IFC is a modality which is offered in certain cases in order to enhance the chiropractic experience. Expect to spend an additional 15 minutes in the office.
Acupuncture $ 50.00
The practice of acupuncture involves inserting sterilised single use thin needles into the skin at particular points in order to assist healing. Dr. Oliveira received her acupuncture certification in Columbo Sri Lanka in 1993 and has been using acupuncture to enhance chiropractic treatment for over 25 years. Acupuncture is within the scope of practice for Chiropractors in Ontario.
Expect to spend an additional 30 minutes (approximate) in the office.
$70 for Acupuncture plus chiropractic
Custom orthotics$ 450.00 - $500.00
Custom orthotics may be appropriate in certain cases to stabilize the pelvis and allow the body to hold an alignment. A gait analysis is performed to assess the need for custom orthotics. Dr. Oliveira is certified in Custom Orthotic Therapy